
Absolute P L M

Text relevance based on the language model, taking into account the absolute position. We go through the text with a box of 20 words, build for each box a language model (that is, probability distribution on the words of the Russian language) and calculate the probability of generating a query. For the distance from the beginning of the document penalize the model.


  • Combined Abs


  • doc
  • doc text
  • dynamic
  • undocumented
  • nn over features use


index 515
name AbsolutePLM
group CombinedAbs
description Текстовая релевантность на основе языковой модели, учитывающая абсолютную позицию. Идем по тексту с окошком 20 слов, строим по каждому окошку языковую модель (то есть распределение вероятностей на словах русского языка) и вычисляем вероятность порождения запроса. За удаление от начала документа штрафуем модель.
authors kustarev
responsibles alsafr
The ranking factor information on this page is based on the leaked source code repository of the Yandex Search Engine. For the purpose of this project, the source was transformed into JSON and descriptions were translated into English. The source is publicly available devidw/yandex-ranking-factors.
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