
Syn S1

Indicates how unnatural the text is from the point of view of the Russian language. Evaluate how much of the document text can be considered synonymizer-generated or automatic at all. ((http://wiki.yandex-team.ru/JandeksPoisk/KachestvoPoiska/ObshayaFormula/TekushhieKomponenty/antispam?v=1il#h58953-2 more details))


  • doc
  • doc text
  • static
  • undocumented
  • l2
  • nn over features use


index 334
cppName FI_SYN_S1
name SynS1
description Показывают насколько текст является неестественным с точки зрения русского языка. Оценка того, насколько можно считать текст документа сгенерированным синонимайзером либо вообще автоматическим. ((http://wiki.yandex-team.ru/JandeksPoisk/KachestvoPoiska/ObshayaFormula/TekushhieKomponenty/antispam?v=1il#h58953-2 подробнее))
authors grechnik
responsibles grechnik
The ranking factor information on this page is based on the leaked source code repository of the Yandex Search Engine. For the purpose of this project, the source was transformed into JSON and descriptions were translated into English. The source is publicly available devidw/yandex-ranking-factors.
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